天然精油(Essential Oil),一般透過蒸餾、壓榨、或溶劑提煉,不會被稀釋或加入任何雜質如酒精、人造色素、人造香料及防腐劑等,具有強烈揮發性、辛辣易燃,具天然芳香。
一支純正的精油(Essential Oil),應列明成分(100% 純正)、拉丁學名(植物學名)、出產地、公司資料、有效日期﹔市面上有些稱聲為香薰油的產品,英文名稱﹕Fragrant Oil、Aroma Oil、Flower Oil、Nature Oil、Scent Oil,其實不是純正的香薰,可能滲進化學雜質。
由於從天然植物提煉出來(Carrier Oil)稀釋方能使用。必須小心採用!一些昂貴的香薰油,如玫瑰、茉莉、橙花等,很多沒列明玫瑰香薰油含量,有些則已混和底油,列明為「3% Rosein Jojoba Oil」。
芳香療法(Aroma Therapies)起源於古埃及等古文明,近代盛行於歐洲,是使用精油來達到舒緩精神壓力與增進身體的健康。起初多用在提神或宗教、冥想等方面,芳香療法(Aroma Therapies)是近代才有的名詞,法國化學家 René Maurice Gattefossé1928 年發表其研究成果於科學刊物上,首先運用此一名稱而開始了芳香療法。此外,經由 Gattefoss’e 的經驗也證實了植物精油在科學上的立論根據,亦即「植物精油因其極佳的滲透性,而能達到肌膚的深層組織,進而被細小的脈管所吸收,最後經由血液循環,到達被治療的器官。」
自古人類便發現某些芳香植物可以幫助減輕生病時的疼痛與不適,而早在幾千年前的古文明大國藥典書籍中,也有詳細記載藥草治病的記錄,甚至觀察動物生病時也會本能地尋找天然藥草來治病的神奇力量,於是芳香植物可以治病的經驗就這樣長久傳承下成,延續至今。「Aroma/芳香」:表示嗅覺芳香氣味,「Therapies/治療」:是指設計一種治療方式來治癒個體,而「Aroma Therapies/芳香療法」是指藉由芳香植物所萃取出的精油做為媒介,並以按摩、泡澡、薰香等方式,經由呼吸或皮膚吸收進入體內,達到預防身心靈疾病與保健的功效,因此「芳香療法」亦可說是一種預防醫學。「芳香療法」在歐洲歷史悠久,而近幾年,台灣人為擁有更健康、更美好的生活品質以及回歸自然風的養生觀念下,對於「芳香療法 ─ 植物所提供的自然能量」,逐漸重視與喜愛,並實際應用在日常生活中,以提昇整體素質。
不同部位所需精華油份量都不同,混合好的精華油會直接通過皮膚、血液運行全身按摩油:一瓶 30ml 底油中,可加最多 10 滴精華油。
媒介油(Carrier Oil)
What is Aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is the practice of using volatile plant oils, including essential oils, for psychological and physical well-being.
Essential oils, the pure essence of a plant, have been found to provide both psychological and physical benefits when used correctly and safely. The Essential Oil Profiles area details over 90 essential oils. Absolutes, CO2s and Hydrosols are also commonly utilized in aromatherapy. Although essential oils, CO2 extracts and absolutes are distilled by different methods, the term essential oil is sometimes used as a blanket term to include all natural, aromatic, volatile, plant oils including CO2s and absolutes.
In addition to essential oils, aromatherapy encourages the use of other complementary natural ingredients including cold pressed vegetable oils, jojoba (a liquid wax), hydrosols, herbs, milk powders, sea salts, sugars (an exfoliant), clays and muds.
Products that include synthetic ingredients are frowned upon in holistic aromatherapy. It is important to note that perfume oils also known as fragrance oils (and usually listed as “fragrance” on an ingredient label) are not the same as essential oils. Fragrance oils and perfume oils contain synthetic chemicals and do not provide the therapeutic benefits of essential oils.
Buyer Beware: The United States does not regulate the use of the word aromatherapy on product packaging, labeling or in product advertising, so any product can be marketed as a product suitable for aromatherapy. There are quite a few products on the market that contain unnatural ingredients including fragrance oils and claim to be aromatherapeutic. It’s important to look at the ingredient label when seeking true aromatherapy products.
Also, use caution with marketing claims that state a product is “Made With Essential Oils” or “Made With Natural Ingredients.” Claims like these do not state that the product is only made with the ingredient(s) specified. Such products may contain heavy proportions of synthetic fragrance oils and only contain a minute quantity of essential oil to simply be able to profess the “Made With Essential Oils” claim.
Don’t let false marketing hype scare you away from the benefits of holistic aromatherapy. By exploring AromaWeb and other aromatherapy resources, you can learn how to safely use just a few essential oils and start gaining the benefits of aromatherapy. If you realize you hold an even deeper interest, you can learn to make your own products and control the exact ingredients included in your own personal aromatherapy products.