自然療法醫學 主要學科分析
自然療法醫學 歷史背景
自然療法醫學在歐洲大大發展,並且傳至美國、加拿大、澳洲等地。根據研究,北美洲有三分之一的民眾曾經不同程度的求助於自然療法醫學。一九零零年,一群擁護自然療法醫學的西醫和自然療法醫生成立美國自然療法醫學院、醫學院及醫院;一九二一年加拿大卑斯省政府通過立法承認自然療法醫學,並議冊監管。一九五零年, 由於戰爭鼓吹手術, 自然療法醫學曾一度低沉, 但在短短二十年間, 因為一般市民知識水準提高,對沒有副作用之天然藥物更加接納,這更確立自然療法之地位,成為一種趨勢,風行歐美,直吹亞洲。而世界衛生組織亦曾於一九七九年公開呼籲提倡這無副作用而又效果甚佳的「自然療法醫學」。
自然療法醫學 六大原則
自然療法醫學 備受世界各國接受
自然療法醫學已在歐美、澳洲、英國及加拿大被肯定其醫學的價值,而各地均有自然療法醫學大學成立,繼有:美國 John Bastyr 自然療法醫學大學、國立自然療法醫學大學、西南自然療法醫學大學、西南自然療法醫學院、進深自然療法醫學大學、Bridgeport 自然療法醫學大學、Tacoma 自然療法醫學院、德撒斯州自然療法醫學院等,其他有澳洲自然療法醫學院、澳洲自然療法醫學院、New South Wales 自然療法醫學院、Perth 自然療法院;其他國家包括加拿大、英國、以色列、西德、印度及歐洲等國家有更多的自然療法醫科大學。
What is Natural Therapy
By Dada Dharmavedananda
Everyone is familiar with the techniques and tools of modern medical treatment. When you are ill you call a doctor and maybe you take some medicine such as an antibiotic. The medicine hopefully will knock out the bad microbes that caused the disease. When you get really serious problems then you are rescued by the miracles of modern surgery. This approach has its place but there is also a natural therapy that is more geared to prevention of disease and the curing of the disease in a gentle and natural way.
In case you are wondering how such a natural therapy works, I would like to introduce the basics of natural therapy in this article.
Disease is primarily the result of bad habits, which cause toxins and stress to over-accumulate to the point that the body-mind responds by a sudden and radical release of toxins and/or stress – which is called disease. Suppression of that release by drugs may bring temporary relief and comfort, but invariably forces the body-mind to later release the toxins and stress in an even more radical fashion, i.e. a worse disease. For example, frequent suppression of a cold may become influenza, which suppressed may become asthma, which suppressed may become skin eruptions, which suppressed may produce cancer or severe heart trouble. The environment in a natural health clinic, on the other hand, provides various means so that the natural cleansing process may be accelerated to enable the body and mind to fully eliminate the cause of disease:
Naturotherapy is not dependent on medicines. Food itself is an adequate medicine. It is not only the best way to permanently cure patients of their chronic diseases, but also an excellent way to introduce people to healthy life styles. The ultimate purpose of therapists is to help people become physically fit, mentally relaxed, fully conscious individuals.
The natural health clinic primarily serves those having problems relating to internal organs and to the mind. Such problems include, for example, cancer, heart trouble, diabetes, asthma, skin disease, arthritis, sinusitis, hemorrhoids, kidney stones, liver debility, high blood pressure, acidity, ulcer, kidney stones, arthritis, and mental depression. Also included are problems not normally thought of as disease such as overweight, pimples, menstrual complications, inadequate physical energy, and mental weakness.
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